Conversation with ADHD
Download MP3(Host) Lucas 00:11
Good time of day everyone and welcome back to WKNC is brain trust. I'm your host Lucas, I'm bringing you another excellent episode. Very interesting topic, one that really hits close to home. I know for me, and I'm sure many people out there. But before we get started, I'm going to introduce myself talk a little bit about me, because I'm the best. It's all about me. It's my show. So my name is Lucas. I'm a freshman here at NC State. I'm from Long Island, New York. And I'm extremely excited to get into today's episode, as I am with every episode, because it's my show. But super excited about today. Super excited about today's topic, and I'm super excited to have our guest introduce herself. Guest do us a favor and introduce yourself.
(Guest) Rebecca 00:57
Hi, I'm Rebecca. I'm an RA here at State I'm a second year in biological engineering with a in ecology concentration and a minor in Spanish. I have a cute little nine year old Beagle, and I have ADHD. Really? Indeed, indeed, that's a little hint,
(Host) Lucas 01:16
a little a hint, that's going to not be a hint in a few seconds going about to introduce today's topic. So today's topic is all about ADHD. I've got it. She's got it. We're gonna talk about it. It's gonna be great. It's a party. Right? Okay. So just to get started. When do you do say you like you? Did you? Did you notice? You kind of had it? Did you kind of say like, Oh, something is weird. Something's going on with me. I think I might, um,
(Guest) Rebecca 01:49
I would guess probably towards like senior year of high school, which is like, a really late diagnosis. That's a little bit more standard for females with ADHD. But I started pursuing like a diagnosis. Probably a month into my first year of college. Yeah.
(Host) Lucas 02:11
All right. I think I have you beat because I was in I was in ninth grade. Okay. And this wasn't like, it was interesting. Because I don't mean to I don't mean to pat myself on the back here. But I wasn't struggling in school at all. So it was mainly just behavioral. I just kind of noticed, I was like, huh, this is weird. Yeah, I can't, I can't think of one thing at once at a time, anytime. So I talked to somebody about it. No, like, oh, we can fix that. We can give you these really cool pills you can take and I'm like, oh, okay, that works. Yeah. I mean, I started being able to focus a bit more, but you know, figured it out. It was like ninth grade. I was like, Yeah, this is sucks. Well, it's fun. But it's weird. Yeah, I noticed that a lot very early.
(Guest) Rebecca 02:57
Yeah, I wasn't so much behavioral or like academically because, like you I wasn't struggling. But it was like little things that I noticed. Like the fixations, I don't know, do you fixate on things? Yeah. fixations were a big thing. And then like, sometimes focus, but I like, I would like push myself to do homework. Like, where I was in a very, like, private room. Like I had to be either in my bedroom, or like nobody else in the room. And I would like push myself into a hyper fixation phase. And then I could like, knock out all of my homework. Otherwise, I couldn't do anything.
(Host) Lucas 03:35
Yeah, that was that was mainly the reason why I wasn't struggling. Because I wouldn't be able to like I always made the joke. I'd be like, Oh, you guys don't just do your homework on a Tuesday night, every other week all at once. And they're like, What are you talking about? You don't to do every day? I'm like, No, God. No. I think that that was one of the reasons why I wouldn't. Because, you know, I just sit down and I'd get it all done. And then I wouldn't have to think about it ever again. Yeah, you know, next week you have more homework, you just do it all at once.
(Guest) Rebecca 04:02
Would you say you're like deadline motivated? Or do you how do you how are you with motivation?
(Host) Lucas 04:09
I don't know. Motivation is a very broad thing. I was like, you're gonna have single talking about it for a different episode.
(Guest) Rebecca 04:18
We can narrow in the ADHD mindset
(Host) Lucas 04:21
dip into it. You don't have to dive in just yet. Yeah, but um, I don't know. I like deadlines. Like my Calc Two. I took Calc Two last semester. And my roommate who did you have? I had Jakob Moschino. Okay. I don't think he's new one. Okay. He's like my semester was his second semester teaching. Okay, so now his third semester teaching. He has my roommate, and one of my other friends. And for some reason, he hasn't set any deadlines. He has all the homeworks due on April 26. Oh, I don't know why he's done that. But he has all due on it. April 26, I wouldn't be able to do that.
(Guest) Rebecca 05:02
One of my friends has a religions professor who like, has deadlines, but they're not so much deadlines as they are guidelines. So they're like, Hey, you should have this turned in by this time. But like, if not, that's okay. And so my friend was like, I like it, because then there's like, there's leniency. But then there's also no like, accountability. And I was like, Yeah, I would struggle.
(Host) Lucas 05:24
Yeah. No, if I need to have a I need to have a hard deadline. Yes. Me too. Yes. If they have like, oh, you know, you can you can like my other friend who's in the in the math class. He's also in a for some I don't know how he got into an honors physics class. He's not an honors student. But he got into an honors physics class. Yeah. But the home were the way his teacher does. The homework is for every homework. You can just get a two day extension. Yeah, that every single time. And that's exactly what he's doing. He's like I had that not how your physics classes. It's like a one day thing. But I prefer to just get it done before the deadline. Yeah. Instead of using the extension, even though I completely could every time just one automatic extension, you get an extra day to do the work or Yeah, Amelia. Professor, I missed it. I can do it later. No, I they gave me a deadline. I'm just gonna do it. Like I have two assignments due tonight.
(Guest) Rebecca 06:15
Physics, one for me here. I think was like a one day extension, but it was like 10% off. And then physics two was a free two day extension with no, like, percent off. So that was, that was odd.
(Host) Lucas 06:29
I think there is still the penalty for an extension. Okay. I think, again, I haven't I don't think I've used an extension yet. So I'm gonna say yeah, because what I've heard is, I'm going to need an extension at some point. Yeah, I like deadlines. Yeah. Deadlines are good people. Oh, because then they I've heard of something called the it's either they call it like, like an invisible deadline, or something where it's just a one, like snowballing? No, it's, it's a deadline that's really, really far away. Oh, project that's due in two months. Yeah, I wouldn't be able to do that project until like, Yeah, before it's due. Yeah.
(Guest) Rebecca 07:13
I have a class that has like, we have a big project that's due at the end of the semester. But what's really nice about it is she's broken it up into like, sections. So we have instead of one, like big project we have for many projects. And so it's like nice, you have like, it's not. For me, it's nice, where you don't have like to wait until the last week and say, Oh, I have this giant project that I've known about all semester. But it's like, oh, I have this mini project. And then it's also easier for me like breaking things up, makes it easier for me to do them. So
(Host) Lucas 07:46
like I have, like the way I kind of keep on track with all my homework is I have like just in my notes app on my phone. I have the like basically that like the most used note, like whatever's at the top most recent is just like my active to do list. And I'll break down. Like I have a homework do it's eight questions. I'll start it. I'll write down. Stop this homework. Yeah. Finish it tomorrow. Yeah, four questions today. Finish the rest tomorrow. Yeah, I was in red sheet.
(Guest) Rebecca 08:15
I wrote spreadsheets.
(Host) Lucas 08:18
That is a level of effort. I have yet to need to put in. Yeah. But please, please describe your spreadsheets.
(Guest) Rebecca 08:27
So I took an Excel class last semester. It was like eight weeks in Excel eight weeks. And our and I loved this class. Shout out Dr. Gatto, if you're listening to this, I love that class so much. And so I've been like, I'd never really use spreadsheets before. But this class just like it found something. And I don't know if I'm like fixated on it, or if I genuinely enjoy it. But it's got like micro Microsoft sheets, like actual spreadsheets. Excel doesn't have a like checkbox component to it. But Google Sheets does. So I've been using Google Sheets for this specifically. And so I have a checkbox thing. The class, the date, the title, and then like if I needed a description, like if it's due like in person versus online kind of thing.
(Host) Lucas 09:18
It's very important distinction to make. Oh my god. Yeah. It's like you got to bring in a printed copy of something. Yeah, that changes the way I look at the assignment. Like I have to finish at least a day before so I can
(Guest) Rebecca 09:28
especially if it's like due at the beginning of class, like rather than like at midnight. Yeah, if it's due, like before class I have to go in and like manually change the due date in my like, spreadsheet but also in my mind to be the night before because otherwise
(Host) Lucas 09:43
it's not getting done but not happening. It's not happening before. Now. I go to my classes. Just so I go to my classes, I take notes whenever you go to classes. And then I do homework after doing my stuff after yeah, there's a homework time. There's a class time I'm not doing homework before my classes. I even have a A huge break. In my day. I have a 935 English class and then I've got a three hour break. Yeah, I go to the gym, I eat lunch, I go back and I sit in my room for an hour. Probably shower after the gym, whatever. I don't do any work. Yeah, time period. You'll never find me doing homework don't have time. Like I said, I probably would, you know, get some homework done then,
(Guest) Rebecca 10:23
ya know, like, in a perfect world, we'd be so productive. However,
(Host) Lucas 10:27
I'm like, but no, however, absolutely not. Like I come back from lunch. My roommate has already eaten he has like an 830. So he's out about before me. If I had any 30 I would skip that class every day. No doubt. I did. No doubt on what I did. We're gonna talk about that. Because that's a fun thing to talk about, too. But he isn't interested. He's out some he's like out like most days. But so he he's back in the room. When I come back after lunch. He's there. He's working. He's doing homework. And he's like, Good for him. He really, really good for him. I'm eating my lunch and playing like bloons TD six on my phone. Okay, and he's like, Hey, can you pull up question four on the physics I'm like, okay, okay. And then I pull it up. And I do. I'll do that one question and then close the homework. Yeah, go back to what I was doing. Yeah. And he's like, did you do number five? I'm like, no, no, sorry. You do number six. No. We're gonna do the homeworks. Probably tonight. When tonight. Whenever I get to it.
(Guest) Rebecca 11:30
Tonight, like 30 minutes before they're due. I did that my first semester, I had Calc Two with Professor Kurtz, best math professor ever. Phenomenal. Love this woman so much. And I don't know why. I don't know if it was like the learning curve of just starting college or what. But I would always wait to the last minute to do that homework specifically. And so my, one of my suitemates was a math major as well, I started as a math major. And we would both like, knock out these like 1015 question, like web assigns. And like the last hour right before they're doing it's like 1115 we're powering through wild,
(Host) Lucas 12:13
wild at the at the beginning of the semester, last semester. You know, just starting college, I'm like, Alright, fine. I will try to be productive with your time. I did pretty well. It'd be like 10 o'clock. And then I'm like, Alright, I have to stop doing work. Okay, I'll stop doing work. And then you know, whatever. But then it'll be like 1130. And I'm about to go to sleep. And I'm like, Oh, now I remember how to do this thing. The homework. It's due in a few days. Like, I'm not waiting till the last minute. But it's like, randomly I'll be like, Oh, okay. Yeah. Now I feel like doing my homework. Yeah, weirdly. And then I go when I do it, and now I'm gonna my head. But it will be like 11:30am I was like, Alright, I'm going to bed. And I'm like, Okay, I'm
(Guest) Rebecca 12:56
going to bed. I'm getting out of bed. Because I just thought about this one thing that I have to do right now. Yeah, it was,
(Host) Lucas 13:03
like a really complex problem of something. And then I'm like, I remember how to do that. I'm gonna go do it immediately.
(Guest) Rebecca 13:09
Yeah. Or like, it'll never come back. That like the Mojo, I guess of like, Oh, I just thought about this thing. And if you don't do it, right, then gone. Do
(Host) Lucas 13:20
you write down the ideas that you have? Like during the day? Oh, think of things you just write them down? It depends
(Guest) Rebecca 13:24
if it's something that I can do, like, in that moment. No, I'll just like go do it. Um, but if it's like, I used to write down my dreams, because I used to have like super super vivid dreams. And so I would like wake up either from the dream or like that next morning. And I would write just like pages. Like I had a notebook beside my bed and I would write pages of these dreams.
(Host) Lucas 13:47
I would do that. I also have really, really vivid dreams. Yeah,
(Guest) Rebecca 13:51
I wonder if that's an ADHD thing. That's not something I've heard of. But I don't know staying a lot
(Host) Lucas 13:55
of people that I know who also have ADHD also have extremely weird vivid dreams. Maybe it's like, active mind kind of thing, but I don't know. I wouldn't be able to why write it and stuff in the morning. Like because you forget or just like me in the morning is not very pleasant. To me. It never is. It never has been. It never will be. Yeah. Like this 935 English class today. I blinked awake at 9:20am Dammit. And it's from Sullivan to Tompkins. Oh, it's a 20 minute walk on Google Maps, but I make it in 13
(Guest) Rebecca 14:35
Oh my gosh. One of my friends one of the other RAS. He was telling me like right before this, that he had a what was it? It was like the class was like 935 and he rolled out of bed at 920 and it was in Poland. He like sprinted there. Yeah, like oh could not be me. Could not be me. I'm just a fast walker. Yeah. I wonder if that's another thing because everybody I know with ADHD Dee is a very, very fast walker. Like I have to like mentally check myself when I'm walking with like neurotypicals neurotypicals? Because, yeah, normal people, I had a professor say that to me, he was like, I was talking to him because I have testing accommodations. And I was talking to him because we have timed quizzes every week. And I was like, hey, like, how is this gonna work? Like, should I just set up time with you and your office? Or do you want me to schedule it? And he was like, Well, you know, in the real world, you won't have accommodations, and I just kind of was like, Okay, well, are you kidding me? Can you say that to me right now? Like, like, you know, the ADA applies to employees, too, right? Like, yeah, what do you
(Host) Lucas 15:43
there's a lot of accommodation, sir. So should I schedule it with you? Or,
(Guest) Rebecca 15:48
like, it was so odd, because like, he wasn't being mean, or like, rude or anything, it just like, it was just, like, an odd conversation. And he's honestly one of my favorite professors this semester, but it was, it was just like, very off the cuff and weird. I don't I just don't really know how to.
(Host) Lucas 16:05
He felt it in his soul. He needed just silly Gen Z lesson about the real world. And I'm like, Yeah, okay, so do I schedule it with you? Yeah, I'm gonna use so on schedule time. He was like,
(Guest) Rebecca 16:17
I get the people like, get anxious. And maybe they need extra time. But like, one day, you'll be one of us normal people. And I was like, bro is still going. He's still going like,
(Host) Lucas 16:26
oh, okay, cool. Sorry, buddy. It's a different time. Ya know?
(Guest) Rebecca 16:30
Like, we actually appreciate people. Sometimes, you know,
(Host) Lucas 16:34
it's cool that I can get almost all my work done for an entire week on a Monday night. Right. Not have to do any other homework, ADHD superpowers, right? advantages to it. There are a lot of agree completely below, like, oh, you will be able to focus all the time. And like, yeah, maybe if I forgot to take my meds in the morning, right. Maybe? I mean, even if I did, the only thing that mainly changes, I have my normal appetite again.
(Guest) Rebecca 16:58
Right, but Right. I feel like that's something that's not talked about a lot with Adderall. Is that No,
(Host) Lucas 17:05
I don't I don't take no role. Okay,
(Guest) Rebecca 17:07
I'm on Adderall. A different thing.
(Host) Lucas 17:09
It's called, it's called Vyvanse. Okay, yeah, no, my
(Guest) Rebecca 17:13
friends is on Vyvanse.
(Host) Lucas 17:14
I don't use it. Like, I might just also be like another thing like Adderall plus or something. I don't know.
(Guest) Rebecca 17:20
I just it's a stimulant. It
(Host) Lucas 17:21
does what to do, but it's not like namebrand like Adderall kind of stuff.
(Guest) Rebecca 17:24
Well, I've heard I think Vyvanse is the like, brand name. I don't know what the like,
(Host) Lucas 17:29
Google tell me what Vyvanse.
(Guest) Rebecca 17:32
But the there's like, to my knowledge, there may be more but to my knowledge, there's like two kinds. And I can I like compare it to like ibuprofen versus birth control, where birth control is something you have to take every day for it to work. And Ibuprofen is like in the moment. Yeah, for that specific time. And like stimulants I say is like ibuprofen. Otherwise, it's like birth control, which I started on Intuniv. I don't know if you've heard of Intuniv. But no, it's like, you have to take it every day at the same time for it to work. And it just, it did not. It did not do it for me.
(Host) Lucas 18:06
My so the way Vyvanse works is it says it'll last 10 to 12 hours. When I first started taking it it would last 10 to 12 hours. Yeah, now. It doesn't last 10 to 12 hours. I usually I take it in the morning, which is usually somewhere in between eight to 10
(Guest) Rebecca 18:25
Do you take it with food?
(Host) Lucas 18:30
Depends. I get up at like today prefer to take it with food. I prefer to try to eat something while I take it. Because it's like it takes like, like 30 minutes or so to kind of activate. And one of the biggest like side effects is appetite loss or like not complete appetite loss. I still eat Yeah, but just like less than normal. So some days like today, I wake up super late, or really, really close when my class starts and now I have to teleport across campus so I don't have time to eat breakfast. I'll still eat something like I have like snacks in my room because I know how I am. I know who I am in the morning. So I've snacks still eat something before I take it because what I found is if I eat before or well, like I'm taking it if like I take a bite of food and then I take the medicine that I continue eating my appetite appetite loss isn't as much then I can actually still eat as I guess. I don't really listening. I still eat plenty of plenty of food. I do not I just don't consume millions of calories.
(Guest) Rebecca 19:42
Whoa, you don't consume millions of calories. Why not? No.
(Host) Lucas 19:47
No like on on Saturday. I forgot to take it because I slept in. I woke up at like noon. So yeah, just didn't because you Usually if if I sleep in, I know I'm not getting any work done that day, so I don't take it because I don't need to because then I'm like, alright, I'll just eat normally today. I still ended up. I ate like two whole plates, like at lunch and dinner and then a TO GO Box afterwards and then also went to the store and got it the case. Yeah. So it saves me money if I take because
(Guest) Rebecca 20:26
that's terrible.
(Host) Lucas 20:28
But I eat I eat plenty.
(Guest) Rebecca 20:32
I probably Yeah.
(Host) Lucas 20:34
I didn't like you. Take it. It works. Yeah, it's thing.
(Guest) Rebecca 20:39
I tried to take it with food because the so I started with intuitive right, which like, that was that just like didn't work. So then we started trying like stimulants instead. And it's intuitive. Not a stimulant. It is not. I don't know what it is. I just know that. It's like the other one. What do we have? Oh, guanfacine. Yeah. Does it say?
(Host) Lucas 21:09
It says such as a stimulant, but it is not? A stimulant? I don't know if Yeah. What's this? What's your classifications? Oh, drug class. There we go. drug class might not help. Oh, it's essentially acting. Something something receptor, something. I don't know. This is not a this is why I'm not a chemist. It's weird. It's not a stimulant. That's why it wasn't working.
(Guest) Rebecca 21:38
Vyvanse and have you heard of Ritalin? No. Okay, so Ritalin. Ritalin is the Ritalin. Vyvanse. And Adderall are like the three biggest ones that I've heard of in terms of ADHD medicine.
(Host) Lucas 21:53
Oh, that's funny. It's almost myth. Yeah, methylphenidate is almost math. It's really funny.
(Guest) Rebecca 22:00
I think if you look up, let me see. Adderall is, um, let me I see where it is. Actually. Do you take your Adderall with you? Or do you leave it in your room?
(Host) Lucas 22:14
I usually leave it in my room. I just I'll take it in the morning. And then I'm good for the day.
(Guest) Rebecca 22:21
Yeah. So I always keep it with me really? Because, like, if I leave it in my room, I'll never take it. Like ever. Like it has to be. So I have, does Vyvanse have a long acting and a short acting or is it just long? I
(Host) Lucas 22:39
think it might. But I've only ever done. I've taken the same dosage the same thing for since like ninth grade. Okay.
(Guest) Rebecca 22:51
I've changed ADHD medicines, basically, like every five to six months since I like started doing medicine for it. And I finally found that Adderall is like, the best option for me. And I think because so my psychiatrist is the one who does my medicine. And with ADHD, I also have like, pretty bad anxiety. And so the intuitive didn't really do anything. And I was also taking a an anti anxiety at the same time, and neither of them really worked. And then I started doing Ritalin and Ritalin made my anxiety like, so much worse. Oh, like the main way my anxiety manifests is with like a racing heart. But without the heart actually racing, if that makes sense. Like it just feels like your heart is pounding. And so the riddle and would make it so so much worse. And the like the anxiety meds would help. But like, if I didn't take the Ritalin, the anxiety med would be fine. But the riddle and making it worse, the anti anxiety just kind of like kind of counteracted it. And up until that point, we hadn't tried anything that was like specifically targeting dopamine, which is what Adderall does. Adderall specifically targets, the dopamine receptors and it either I'm not entirely sure. I think it's that it like increases the amount of dopamine receptors, possibly. But we have discovered that my like, dopamine levels are just lower compared to a normal person, which is why I have anxiety and ADHD. Right. And so the Adderall has actually helped with anxiety and ADHD. And it's been phenomenal. Like when I tell you it is the chef's kiss perfection.
(Host) Lucas 24:43
It is. It is 100% of amphetamine, by the way. Ritalin is starts with meth. Yeah, Adderall ends with amphetamine. Yeah, that's as much as I'll say. No, but I've only ever taken the Vyvanse which and it's worked Hmm,
(Guest) Rebecca 25:00
yeah, my friend who's on it really likes it as well. Yeah. Have you had issues with sleeping with Vyvanse? Like, if you take it like, I don't know, when you first started taking it like, oh, I took it too late now it's going to be in my system for too long. Kind of Yeah. Yeah.
(Host) Lucas 25:17
Yeah. If that's why, like I said, If I wake up late, like on on like, like this past Saturday, like I woke up at noon. Yeah, so I didn't take it because I was like, it's gonna it's gonna keep me awake and focused on other things and, or whatever it's gonna, it's gonna do it, it's gonna do its thing for too long. Or it's going to do it for the same amount of time. It just starts later and later, and now I can't go to bed at a certain normal time. Yeah. But then again, that could just be me. I miss out sleep schedule on accident,
(Guest) Rebecca 25:50
pretty standard for like, late taking. That's what I love about Adderall also is that they have a short acting. And so like, I have to take the long acting. What's really interesting is the Adderall. For me, at least the dose that I'm on is six to eight hours. But with the half life, it's still like, in my system, like I could take it at, like noon, long acting, and it'll like the like focusing and like being really in the zone will start to wear off between like 6pm and 8pm. Yeah, but the half life is so I don't know if I'm just like hypersensitive to it, or if it's just that strong. But I'll stay up until like, 3am. Yeah. And like, that. sucks. Yeah, no, it's not so hard.
(Host) Lucas 26:35
I think I accidentally did that yesterday. Because, because and this is this wasn't this is a complete side note. This wasn't even medicine related at all. This is just because I was really mad at the Eagles, for sure. Oh, my gosh. I was really upset because I mean, that one call from the roof. That was nonsense. The entire game just hugged on the jerseys like holding No,
(Guest) Rebecca 27:03
yeah, I want to show you I know the like people listening won't be able to see it, but I'll describe it to you. I want to show you this photo that my friend sent me. It's a photo of a ref. Who normally isn't like the black and white like the standard ref. He's a Kansas City ref. Yeah, they've gone in and changed the black stripes to be red and they've put the Kansas City logo on the hat and the pocket. And I just when I saw that I just about cried it was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
(Host) Lucas 27:31
My preferred meme or what I see when I see you for the Superbowl memes is it's like a POV, Philly if there is an outcome to the Superbowl. And it's just like it's the clip from you know the Movie World War Z. I it's just like, it sounds familiar. It's just it's like millions of zombies. Oh my god climbing on top of each other over like a wall. And it's just a lot of things are on fire. Yeah, things are destroyed. It's just a dystopian area. Yeah, it's just Philly if there is an outcome to the Super Bowl. Every single week by solely
(Guest) Rebecca 28:02
they score a touchdown cheer goes through a note Philly they get a flag a cheer goes.
(Host) Lucas 28:07
Doesn't matter what happens is getting trashed. Yeah. What's really funny, it's just the impact that any game has has on Philly is amazing.
(Guest) Rebecca 28:16
You have a personal like, preferred team is the Eagles
(Host) Lucas 28:20
team. No, no, the the bangles are my team. Okay, okay. I'm a big I'm a big burrow fan. I really like them. I really like his story. I like what he's done. My big Bengals guy. Yeah, I've lost all hope in the Giants. I'm sorry. But I should be a Giants fan. My band parents are like, Why are you rooting for the Eagles? Giants rivals. I'm like, Do you know what the Chiefs did? Do you know what the Chiefs did? They knocked out. They knocked out my man. They knocked out my golden boy. And I'm mad at them for that. Yeah, I want the eagles to win. i
(Guest) Rebecca 28:50
My team is the bills, go bills, live bills.
(Host) Lucas 28:53
If the Bengals are out, or Yeah, I can I root for them? Yeah, separately. Yeah. And then they play each other and I default to the bangles like yeah, bangles take priority. And then and then I go back down to the bills or the Eagles like I've liked the Eagles. I've had an interesting Eagles for a while.
(Guest) Rebecca 29:10
Josh Allen.
(Host) Lucas 29:13
Show me amazing.
(Guest) Rebecca 29:14
Phenomenal. You know, do you know his story? I don't know burrows story, but I know Alan story. So Josh Allen didn't get any prospects out of high school. He actually went to a community college. And then like, he sent out I can't remember the actual numbers but he sent out like tapes of himself to other like, like recruiters to try and get his name out there and he didn't get any prospects out of high school, went to a community college played on the community college team. And then I think his community college coach was like, basically took him under his wing and they had a really strong bond and the community college coach helped him get his name to the Wyoming coach because he played for Wyoming. And so he was recruited out of community college played for Wyoming and then his name was like Mr. What's the like? It's like mister, hold on. I'm gonna look it up. It was like Josh Allen. Mr. They're calling him Mr. January now, but I don't. I'm trying to remember it was when he first got like,
(Host) Lucas 30:13
is it like an agnostic? No,
(Guest) Rebecca 30:15
it's like, he was like the last draft pick or something like that. And they were like, Oh, Josh Allen's not going to be worth it. But like the team has done nothing but improve. Yes, he like took over. And I'm calling for a bill Super Bowl. Sorry to your Bengals. I know. I love this side note, this is such an ADHD.
(Host) Lucas 30:37
That's why I'm leaving this in for the final cut.
(Guest) Rebecca 30:41
I support it. Right. Do you know, this is a little sidebar to the sidebar to the sidebar, right. The thing that happened on Saturday, there was somebody on Twitter saying that it was because of vaccines.
(Host) Lucas 30:52
Oh, see, this is what I
(Guest) Rebecca 30:55
used where that came over me. Well, I I don't use Twitter either. I only check Twitter when there's like a big thing. Yeah. And so I checked Twitter when Damar Hamlin was hit. And then I checked Twitter because the frickin WRAL was outside of Sullivan Hall, like taking pictures and recording trying to like ask students questions. And like,
(Host) Lucas 31:16
what the WRAL was,
(Guest) Rebecca 31:19
oh, you're not from the area? I forgot. Okay. That's like the that's like the main, like, the big. It's actually right across the street. Um, so like, we're in this building. And then Student Health is like, right across the street. And you know, Western, it's right on the other side of Western news. Yeah. It's just like, No, it's like, it's like, like, the news. Is the news here, I've got it up. And they were like, they're always the first one ever, like a wolf alert or something goes out my parents, like, text me immediately because they know because the news already knows. And so like, this morning, they were in front of Sullivan, like trying to interview students. And I was just like, Are you kidding me? And so I clicked on the article that had been posted. And somebody was in the comments talking about how it was because of vaccines. And the, like, anger that came over me. I will
(Host) Lucas 32:21
really still. So they're still active about that kind of stuff, even though
(Guest) Rebecca 32:26
they're saying the Damar Hanlon, like the hit and his like cardiac arrest that happened was because of the vaccines because he had gotten his booster I think, like three weeks before, something like that.
(Host) Lucas 32:39
Do you think get my booster I do to
(Guest) Rebecca 32:41
actually you can get them on campus. I found that out recently. The like, the new new booster, because I knew you could get the like the original vaccine, and the second dose and then the first booster I knew you could get on campus. But we now have the second booster as well. Exciting. I love this like the sidebar to the sidebar to this time.
(Host) Lucas 33:01
Yes. It's an excellent, excellent example of a normal conversation I have with anybody. But But yeah, should I should schedule that? Do you? Do you? Are you how are you with like scheduling things? Because I have had, I ordered some things on Amazon. Because a while ago, my phone charger just kind of stopped working. Because I had it plugged in and I like dropped it or something. And I was like, okay, and then two days later, I'm like, Oh, my phone isn't charging. That's that's not good. That's like, so I went to fix it. And they fixed it. With it. At first when they fixed it in quotes, they fixed it. They were like, Oh, you just need to use the new USB C two USB C charger. So you'd have to go out and get those chargers and I didn't want to do that. So I just bought like adapters on Amazon. And then they actually did an open on my phone and fix it is like a wire was disconnected or something. Okay, so they actually ended up fixing it for like 10 bucks. Nice. So now I have these charges and things that I don't need that hey, have had to return. I have seven I have a week to return these things. You want to do something all I have to do is drop them off ups do it. I don't know when that's gonna happen. It has to happen the next week.
(Guest) Rebecca 34:19
You want to know something awesome, of course. So last semester I was in band, and I had gone to like I'd order some like tank tops and stuff because I like I live in leggings. And I was never really like a shorts person. Like I don't enjoy shorts to any like any meaning at all. There's no style of shorts that I found that I've liked. But like 100 degrees for three hours like Bandcamp you are sweating. And this is also my first ever Bandcamp so I did not really know what I was getting into. So I had to find some shorts that I liked. So I found like biker shorts, and I'd ordered a pair on Amazon and I'd bought some in person while the pair from Amazon came in and they weren't stretchy like do you know what biker shorts are? biker shorts? Yeah, yeah. Okay, so they came in, and they were not stretchy at all. And I was like, What's the point of this? Like, they either like you or they don't and these are like these really kinda thing that like wouldn't fit anyone. It was so odd. And I had to return them. So I filled out the form online, and I put it in my car. And that was in August and they're still in my car.
(Host) Lucas 35:29
Yeah, yeah, I even have it like for I drive a drive a Subaru Forester. There have been two recalls. On like things. One of them
(Guest) Rebecca 35:41
either airbag. Oh my god.
(Host) Lucas 35:44
Okay. One of them for I think on the safety features of my car. I haven't scheduled that yet. No, my parents to my parents love you guys. If you're listening to this episode, I definitely have scheduled it. I'm just joking. I'm just joking. Even though we knew about this recall, what two months ago now? Yeah. Oh, I definitely scheduled it. For sure.
(Guest) Rebecca 36:06
Yeah, that's kind of like the band is taking a trip to London in May. And so we've known this since August. So, passports take a while, right? Like you're supposed to do it like months in advance. And we've known about it since August. And my passport appointment is on Wednesday. Awesome. So we're gonna have to expedite it. Because otherwise it won't be here in time. That's awesome.
(Host) Lucas 36:26
Yep. That's really cool. Yeah, I'm just fortunate enough to have a passport already. Yeah, I've traveled all over the place. So yeah,
(Guest) Rebecca 36:36
I've traveled like, I've never left the East Coast. But I've been, like, all the way down to Florida. And I've been up to like, what's the farthest north? I've been like New York, like the New York Canadian border. Canadia. Media, the Canadian border? Canadian. Like Canada. Yeah. I've been to the New York Canada border. And then like as far west as like Missouri, I think. But I love the country. That's
(Host) Lucas 37:05
interesting. I've been to Aruba. Oh, I've been to Germany, Austria. I've been? Well, as far out of the country. I've gone. That's why I need my passwords. Do I still have it? But
(Guest) Rebecca 37:20
was that for like vacations? Or it was for a school trip? Oh,
(Host) Lucas 37:23
German class. We went? A lot of fun. Yeah, a lot of fun. But have my password for that. So we're good. Yeah. But um, for this West, I went to Colorado, and like New Mexico, for a backpacking trip, like a week long backpacking trip with my Boy Scout troop. That's such a good time.
(Guest) Rebecca 37:42
That's like me with the bowl game, the band went to the ballgame, and is the worst trip I've ever been on in my entire life. And like I hated saying that because like, I wanted to enjoy it so bad. But it was just like, it's a newer like bowl game. So like the Belk bowl is the one that had it before and then built like filed for? What's it called bankruptcy? Yes. That's also another thing with ADHD I have a hard time with like words.
(Host) Lucas 38:10
Yeah. Which is interesting, because I have a podcast so you think I wouldn't be I just get around it by not using words that I was
(Guest) Rebecca 38:18
like, not creative, though. Like when like, no, if I forget a word, I can't like work around it.
(Host) Lucas 38:24
I have just been lucky enough with my background in like, in training. And like, like leadership from Boy Scouts. We've done a whole bunch of trainings, like how to give presentations, and then actually giving presentations public speaking kind of that kind of stuff. So yeah, teaching people leading people, you know, instructing that kind of stuff. So I had a lot of experience of that. So I like
(Guest) Rebecca 38:49
leaving, but the public speaking. I'm very much more of a like, I'll delegate the public speaking but I can like I love leading is probably one of my favorite things like with the RAS like when we're doing like events and we're in groups, I am always the one to like volunteer like take charge or like all submit the proposal or all do this. But like public speaking was never one of my favorite things.
(Host) Lucas 39:14
Not people not other people like it. Yeah, it's not easy, but yeah, I'm okay with it. I'm okay with that.
(Guest) Rebecca 39:21
That's always a really strong skill to have. So props to you. Oh, I don't remember what we how did we get here? ballgame game your backpack and groped something. Oh, passport. Passport. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The belt bowl when belt filed for bankruptcy. So they couldn't want to the bowl game anymore. So Duke's Mayo took it over. And like, credit where credit's due. They're doing great. They're trying really hard. But they're a new ballgame. So it's kind of hard to like, have the established traditions and all of that stuff. They've only had they've been around for three years, one of which was COVID So they've had to official like Dukes male bowl games, and like the belt game belt had a thing with because it takes place in Charlotte. And so Belk like, did stuff where they partnered with the city and the the two bands would have like a battle of the bands in downtown Charlotte and we'd go play Adam. What is it Kara wins is Cara wins the one that's in A? I don't know. I think Cara wins is the one. Yeah, what is it was Cara wins? It's like a like roller coasters.
(Host) Lucas 40:28
Oh, I've heard of care wins. Yeah,
(Guest) Rebecca 40:29
people told me about that. And so like the Belk bowl, like PR team would do a thing where we like battle the bands and downtown and then we'd have like the different performances at Carowinds and stuff. And like, it was just a really established well loved ballgame. And like, Dukes was great. They just aren't as established. So like, it's not their fault. It just wasn't.
(Host) Lucas 40:52
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Do you? Okay, we've sideboard a lot, but totally fine. So what happens to people ADHD,
(Guest) Rebecca 41:04
it's bound to happen. I'm also like a big over explainer, ya
(Host) Lucas 41:07
know, because things happen in my head, you know, very differently than happens and other people's right. So especially with, like leading 10 year olds, it was so easy for me to do that. It was so easy for me to do that. Like everyone all the all the new scouts my troop. They loved me. Because I thought just like them. They it was so easy. I'm like, no, no, guys, don't do that. Don't do that. Like they're doing something they could get hurt. I'm like, No, listen, if you're gonna do it, you do it the right way to go. You got to do it like this. Like, I'm a child. Like them. Yeah. So yeah. loved me. Yeah. Not to say our other leaders and true also didn't do an excellent job. We've had some phenomenal senior Patrol Leaders. But I think out of all the syndromes, I think I connected with them the best, because they knew I'm not going to be super strict. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't plan on being like that. And they knew that. So yeah, they will be doing something silly. And I'm like, Alright, if you're going to do that, I obviously don't want to stop you. Because having fun. I would do the same thing. Because here's the thing, like I was once a new scout in the woods for the first time, I'm like, Whoa, look at all this stuff. They would yell at me for picking up like a really cool stick. And they're like, why'd you pick that up? I'm like, why are you asking me a stupid question? Of course, I'm gonna pick us up. Look, this is awesome. So all these kids are swinging the sticks around. I'm like, Listen, I'm trained in very extensive first aid. If you get hurt, I can help you. You're going to be very upset that you got hurt. Take that as you will. And they go on, they run off and they do the thing. 20 minutes later. Oh, my God.
(Guest) Rebecca 42:48
Yeah. Yeah. I don't like how I am with. It's kind of like how I am with my dog where I'm like, I will let her explore. Like, I want her to learn. Like, what's a good idea? And what's not a good idea? Not because I've told her but because she's like, like, if it's actually going to be dangerous, obviously, I'll stop it. But like if she's trying to climb on something, and she's gonna slip, if it's not going to hurt her long term. Yeah, like, if it's gonna bruise. She'll get a bruise. But she also learned not to do it again. Right. And like, I'm also like, very much an encouraging person with like, exploring. So like, were my parents when I dropped her off at my parents like, because when yeah, anyways, when I dropped her off at my parents,
(Host) Lucas 43:34
I saw the struggle. They're just, I will not explain why she's
(Guest) Rebecca 43:38
definitely going into like, a long, unnecessary. Over explaining. Yeah. Okay.
(Host) Lucas 43:42
She has to go to your parents house. Yeah. Listeners interpret that as you will use your imaginations.
(Guest) Rebecca 43:49
So when she goes to my parents house, they're very much like, oh, no, like, you can't have the food on the counter, like, get down. Like, I don't tell her necessarily to get down. Unless it's like really close to the edge. And it's something I'm super like, like, if it's chocolate and it's right on the edge, then yeah, like, I'll tell her to get down. But if she's exploring, I let her explore. And like, I'll only correct her if she's directly doing something bad. I don't correct her preventatively if that makes Yeah, yeah. So
(Host) Lucas 44:18
like, don't do that. It's gonna something's gonna happen. That could be could be a fine thing. That's like with my I have a my family have two cats. One of them is like primarily my cat. Her name is Raven. And Mr. Raven, if you're listening, I missed you. Oh, she would like I would come home from work at like 830 So my family's already eaten. Everybody's already there. Done. Kitchen cleaned. There's some leftovers I heat up for myself. Raven's just sitting there looking at me so I heat up some extra food for her and she's also eating to feel like my mom will be like, get off the couch and get off the couch. I'll be cooking something when Raven is now up on the counter. I have all this food, and she's just going at it. And I'm like, okay, that's fine. She's not going to eat at all. And she takes little pieces. Yeah, to the side like he's hunting, and then just does it. So I'm like, Just let her Yeah, most of my parents like, get away get away. I'm like, yeah,
(Guest) Rebecca 45:21
yeah, it's funny. My parents will be like, Oh, no, don't go in there. And I'm like, she's not gonna, like, do anything. Like, like, if she's getting into something like, she loves nesting. Like she'll go into like, I'm really bad about putting clothes away. Like, I have a pile of laundry in my room right now. I just finished washing like it's just sitting there.
(Host) Lucas 45:42
I just barely got my laundry done yesterday. Well, the reason I was able to get my laundry done yesterday, because I did. Like I got everything washed. You got to think dried. And I had my bag full of clean clothes just sitting there. And the only reason I had I like, remember to put it away. Is because for the Superbowl, we watched it in my room, because out of the suite rooms me and Louis, my roommate have the the bigger one. We have like one of the a room for the front. Yes. So we're not impeded by the bathroom. Yeah, so we have a big room. So we watched it there. We still we they were like, Oh, we got to start moving everything around. And I was like, Oh my God, give me 10 minutes. And I was like, I need to put my clothes away. They're like, What do you mean, you're gonna put your clothes away? And then I sit there just all my clothes away. And they're like,
(Guest) Rebecca 46:35
Yeah, I was really good about like, washing clothes, and then immediately folding and putting them away when I had a roommate, but now that there's like, again, like no accountability. Yeah, it's gone. Yeah.
(Host) Lucas 46:51
So we've mentioned fixations. How much money? Have you spent on a fixation on demand?
(Guest) Rebecca 46:58
Gohan Oh, bro, I worked in a craft store. Oh, god. Yeah, no. Oh, no. Yeah, no, I Yeah. Yeah, I worked. Okay, so I made I would joke with my coworker. Yeah, and uh huh. Yeah, it's
(Host) Lucas 47:12
a dangerous situation. Yeah, it was.
(Guest) Rebecca 47:14
So I would joke with my coworkers that I was working my way through the store because I would start like, let's see, where did I start? I think I started in the art aisle. And so we had arts and crafts are different things you have to look at when you work at a craft store. Okay, so I started in the art aisle. So that was like paints, and paint brushes and different types of paints. And so I bought like, all of the sets.
(Host) Lucas 47:37
All of them. Yeah, that's a fair point. I should Yes.
(Guest) Rebecca 47:40
Yeah. Yeah. No, all of them. So like, they were like cute little wooden boxes. Yeah. And they'd have like the paints, and then like one of those like little trashy paint brushes, and then like the palette, and so I buy them for the paints. And then I buy like, these collections of brushes. I still have collections of brushes. Like my room, my room on campus. Thank God, I have a single room that's meant for a double because I wouldn't have space for like, just stuff literally. And it's all crafting stuff. Yeah, granted, Nala takes up a good amount of space with like her crate and her toys and stuff. However, all of the other space like on top of her crate is like, part of my crafting corner. Like I have a cricket now, I have a sewing machine.
(Host) Lucas 48:32
Cricket is that that's crickets are amazing.
(Guest) Rebecca 48:36
I've only used to cut out the door ducts.
(Host) Lucas 48:38
Really? That's really cool. But um, crickets? I I've had to stop myself a few times. I don't have a cricket. I've only ever seen a cricket as like a demo once or twice because my friend worked at like a Michaels arts and crafts store. So sometimes I would go in and I'd have to get something for whatever. She's there at the Cricut station. Like comic mugs can make mugs. I'm like, yeah. Okay. So I make a whole bunch of mugs. And then yeah, you know, try it again. But I'd be like, Wow, this is really cool. But then I have to stop myself. Because then I would do what you did.
(Guest) Rebecca 49:15
Technically, I don't do this. It was a graduation present. Thank you. Right. I didn't start this one.
(Host) Lucas 49:20
You asked for this. To be fair, I did ask for a bowling ball to on balls.
(Guest) Rebecca 49:29
(Host) Lucas 49:30
Yeah. Was that a fixation? It was started as one and it's now become a hobby of mine. So I figured out how to go really well.
(Guest) Rebecca 49:40
Do we? Bowling Club?
(Host) Lucas 49:43
I'm trying to start one. Okay. Okay. I know actually, there isn't one on campus. Yeah, but I'm trying to start one. Did you know that the target was originally I did and I'm mad about that. Yeah, it was originally a bowling alley, and it's not a bowling alley anymore. Now it's an overpriced target. And a interesting Chipotle style restaurant underneath that's a block away from an actual Chipotle. Yeah, I anyway, good had a really nice bowling alley, but whatever. Yeah, whatever.
(Guest) Rebecca 50:11
Anyway, side note about the Hillsborough target. So things are actually like, genuinely marked up, right?
(Host) Lucas 50:18
We need those things. And right
(Guest) Rebecca 50:19
now you can price match. So if you can find like, if you have the target app, you can go in and set your location to whatever like you think the cheapest location is going to be. And they'll price match it real like, I'm technically from Raleigh, but like we live on the Raleigh Knightdale border. So that's like East Raleigh. And so the target over there is pretty cheaper than the one here. And so I have my location set to that one, and they'll price match. So like, there was an item that I wanted, and it was like $12 Normally, and so I went to the target one, and it was like 18, I was like, Excuse me. And I would make sure that it was like the same like quantity count and everything. And it was like six mortal paths. And so I went, I price matched it, and I got it for 12.
(Host) Lucas 51:03
So that's really awesome. Actually, I'm gonna have to do that. So that's gonna be a pretty good place to start wrapping it up. Rebecca, I'm gonna thank you for being a guest on the show an excellent time talking and recording with you. So thank you for being here. I really appreciate your time. Yeah,
(Guest) Rebecca 51:20
thank you for having me. This
(Host) Lucas 51:21
was fun. Right? It's it's a lot of fun. Doing this show is a lot of fun. Especially being just being given chair, you being given the opportunity to just sit here and do this. It's fun. Yeah, I like talk.
(Guest) Rebecca 51:35
I like talking about ADHD, this is fun.
(Host) Lucas 51:38
There's a whole lot to talk about. Maybe I'll do a part two, let's see
(Guest) Rebecca 51:41
should do a part two, that
(Host) Lucas 51:42
would be so easy content.
(Guest) Rebecca 51:45
You know, I was telling you, there's some other RAS that I know that have ADHD. And I was like, You should walk with me over there. And like, No, I you would want I get roped in the episode, we should do a part two with multiple, like several people
(Host) Lucas 51:59
who have ADHD, that would be a nightmare. But we would have a great time recording it,
(Guest) Rebecca 52:06
it would all it would tickle the brains of everybody who has ADHD though.
(Host) Lucas 52:11
That's that's a really good idea. So that means you guys are gonna be seeing Rebecca again sometime in the future. Excellent ideas. But we also like to say thank you to JT satiric and moving boxes for providing us with excellent intro and outro music for the show. You can catch them on Instagram at moving boxes band that's all lowercase all one word moving boxes band. He's done some really great work for us here at WKNC and for WKNC brain trust where we have the big sprains and we trust in them. And if you like what you heard today, through all the rambling and still enjoyed it, if you like what you heard and want to stay on topic with future WKNC Brain Trust content, you can check us forward slash podcasts that's forward slash podcasts with an S and with that, good day
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